So Far From The Bamboo Grove Pdf To Excel
So far from the bamboo grove yoko kawashima watkins Kawashima Watkins Are Listed Below: PDF File: So Far From The Bamboo Grove Yoko Kawashima Watkins Page: 1. I Study Guide for So Far from the Bamboo Grove by Yoko Kawashima Watkins T HE G LENCOE L ITERATUREL IBRARY.
Chapter 2 Summary As Yoko and her family make their ways to the train station, they hear the sound of marching feet and hide among wild irises. Yoko becomes sick and throws up, nearly revealing their hiding place. The soldiers march on. The family makes it to the train station, which is crowded with the sick and wounded. After having some difficulty with the stationmaster, they board a crowded boxcar near a woman with a baby and another pregnant woman. While riding the train, the woman's baby dies, as do several of the other passengers. The pregnant woman gives birth.

While stopped to take on coal and water, Korean Communists search the train for Japanese. A medic and nurse disguise the family as very sick people and tell the Korean Communists that Mother has small pox. Driver Mustek Flatbed Scanner Se A3 Usb 600 Proof.
The soldiers quickly leave the boxcar. Farther along, planes. This section contains 280 words (approx.
1 page at 400 words per page).