Digi Lan Tv7203 Software As A Service
When Digi acquired Sarian Systems in 2008, they bought a powerful software package with many robust security features for moving money wirelessly. With the advent of the WR21, we get a glimpse of the future of the Digi product line as they hypridize the features of the legacy ConnectWAN models with the Transport line. In summary, the Transport WR21 has two flavors. Basically, flavor one is a “WR21 LITE,” with standard software, at a very low price-point, and does not contain all of the sophisticated features as the rest of the Transport line but will fit the bill for many of the same applications as the ConnectWAN. The second flavor, termed ” the enterprise software version” is packing the full feature set of the Transport line including advanced routing, VPN, and statefull firewall. View a specification sheet here. Since the SKUs of the Transport line can be complex, as a public service we are listing the part numbers and descriptions below.

I also understand that the BIG money for these network device manufacturers would be in an upsell to the a software-as-a-service. The unit, the DIGI. Device Network Management Software as a Service iDigi Manager Pro delivers capabilities that empower IT. IDigi Manager Pro - Datasheet Author: Digi International.

I read an excellent post today regarding the iDigi device management “cloud” platform. I like Digi, and I like the promise of iDigi for managing devices for some applications. However, I must voice my critical infrastructure colleagues’ concerns about allowing any 3rd party (in this case Digi) to host key information, and in fact monitor, the performance of critical network assets.
A previous Digi WWAN device management offering, Connectware Manager, was a device management console that was hosted internally, “inside the firewall” of our critical infrastructure clients. Digi seems to have ceased the sale of Connectware Manager, and with its demise, goes the option of keeping all of one’s critical device data in-house.
IDigi is subscription-based, and follows a software-as-a-service business model. Basically, with Digi, it is now iDigi or the nothing. CradlePoint, with their offering WiPipe, is also a software-as-a -service model. Damian Tools Download. I am hoping that Sierra Wireless does not follow suit and try to yank Ace Manager and force all clientele to utilize a S-A-S management platform.
I have heard rumblings that this is the plan. Now I understand the beauty of a world where all devices could be managed seamlessly, in the cloud, preferably by somebody else who takes care of all the technical headaches of hosting a secure server. I also understand that the BIG money for these network device manufacturers would be in an upsell to the a software-as-a-service business model with its recurring revenues. And talk about a sticky client retention strategy! However, for those manufacturers that are truly interested in serving the needs of all critical infrastucture clients (utilities, government, energy, rail), they will need to understand that options must be kept open about who hosts the critical data. And if big energy or a government agency wants to manage their own network device data, on their own secured server, and not outsource it to a third party that is not exactly in the “secure server” business, then you have to give them a robust, intuitive, scalable management application platform to do so. Therefore, find my open letter below: Dear valued network device manufacturer partners, Please understand that some critical infrastructure clients will never implement the 3rd party hosted wireless network device management model that you are all marketing heavily at the moment and that other options are desired in the marketplace.
Sincerely, Yours In Partnership, WWANWOMAN I’d love to hear some feedback on this piece from critical infrastructure network jockeys who are both pro- and con- the concept of outsourced network device monitoring and have opinions that they would like to share. Posted in, Tagged, . 4G Network Device Options I’m back after a hiatus, and am eager to share with my peers information about wireless gateways and routers that are available on the “nominally 4G” networks. I have a lot of information to report on, so this data download will take multiple posts.
Digi International was the first to release a wireless gateway for Sprint’s WiMax network. The unit, the DIGI Connect WAN (DC-WAN-Y301-A) is a wireless gateway (see info here ). Creative Download Page. The first one that my team sold and integrated was for a security company that will be using this device to back-haul surveillance video. This application makes perfect sense, as the Sprint WiMax network has the kind of throughput that makes it a powerhouse for transmitting realtime-video. And hey, the great airtime plans that Sprint is offering for WiMax help, too!