Ashrae Fittings Database
HVAC ASHRAE DFDB Help The HVAC ASHRAE Duct Fitting Database (DFDB) universal app for the iPhone and iPad was developed for ASHRAE by Carmel Software Corporation. Nov 14, 2017 ASHRAE Duct Fitting Database (AshraeDuct.exe). This database, available on CD, includes loss coefficient tables for more than 200 round, rectangular, and. The HVAC ASHRAE Duct Fitting Database (DFDB) for the iPhone and iPad is now a universal app. This means that it works on both the iPhone and iPad and adjusts. Holdem Manager 2 Serial Number Crack Photoshop here. Ashrae Fitting Database Version 6 00 00 Summary: Ashrae Fitting Database Version 6 00 00 fitting reports a file with all fitting reports for the incompressible fluids.
HVAC ASHRAE DFDB Help The HVAC ASHRAE Duct Fitting Database (DFDB) universal app for the iPhone and iPad was developed for ASHRAE. It allows you to perform pressure loss calculations for all 240+ supply, common, and return/exhaust ASHRAE fittings listed in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals. The app now adjusts its user interface for either the iPhone or iPad. In addition, it is compatible with the latest version of iOS that runs on the newest iPhone/iPads. (Please Note: As of Spring 2017, we have updated the app to coincide with all of the 50+ updates to the desktop-based Duct Fitting Database application that have been implemented over the past 7 years.

These include scores of new fittings, many updates to existing fittings, and much, much more. Click for a list of all of the latest updates to the DFDB app.) This app is based upon the popular ASHRAE Duct Fitting Database desktop application, and you can do pretty much everything in this app that you can do in the desktop program. The advantage of this mobile app is that you can easily use it out in the field to do quick duct pressure loss calculations then email the results to your desktop for further analysis. Overview This help will focus on the iPhone version, but it also applies to the iPad version.
Even though they do look quite different, the same core functionality is available in each. When you first open the HVAC ASHRAE DFDB application, you will see 3 tabs at the bottom of your screen: • The 'ASHRAE DFDB' tab is the first screen that appears when you start up the application. It displays the list of DFDB projects currently available.
Select any project to begin inputting values and viewing results. • The 'Global Settings' tab allows you to specify global settings such as whether to use IP (Imperial) or SI units. Read the 'Global Settings' section below for more details. • The 'Help' tab displays this help screen. ASHRAE DFDB When you first start the app, the project list form will appear. The following describes how to create, edit, and delete projects: • Create a New Project: A DFDB project includes fittings with inputs and results that are specific to that project.
In other words, one project can have inputs for fitting SD2-2 that differ from another project with inputs for the same SD2-2 fitting. To create a new project, click the '+' button located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. A new form will appear allowing you to enter a new project name. The '_Default' project is always used as the basis for creating a new project (See 'Template Projects' below for more information on the '_Default' project). Also, you can copy from an existing project by pressing the button labelled 'Copy from existing project >>'. A list of all existing projects will appear allowing you to select from one. When you return to the 'Add Project' screen, type in a new project name.
• Edit an Existing Project: To edit an existing project, select the project name with your finger and the next form will slide onto the screen allowing you to input information about the project. • Delete an Existing Project: Swipe your finger across the name of the project that you wish to delete. A 'delete' button will appear allowing you to press it to delete the project.
Template Project The template or '_Default' project is the base project upon which all new projects are derived (except for those that are copied from existing projects). You can edit this template project at any time and any new projects derived from this template project will reflect those changes. Project Inputs The following describes the project input information that first appears when you select a project name: • Project name: This is the name that you originally inputted when you created the project. Applied Mathematics 1 By G V Kumbhojkar Pdf Printer on this page. You can change the project name in this text box. To do so, tap your finger within the text box and the standard iPhone keyboard will pop up allowing you to type in a new name. This keyboard will appear anytime you tap your finger within any of the textboxes in this app. • Project description: This is a description of the project that will display on the project list form.