Patch Age Empire 3 Francais Langue
Ok, I got Age of Empires 3 installed it worked fine it was in english btw the game rocks then i got the expansion ( Asian Dynasties) (sp?) The expansion turned out to be in Italian and my age of empires also turned italian. Now i seriously don't want to learn a new language ( i good of with english ) so what. Ok, I got Age of Empires 3 installed it worked fine it was in english btw the game rocks then i got the expansion ( Asian Dynasties) (sp?) The expansion turned out to be in Italian and my age of empires also turned italian. Now i seriously don't want to learn a new language ( i good of with english ) so what should i do now to make the game ENGLISH is there a patch or do i have to meedle with the settings or something. All help is appreaciated (sp?).

I speak italian, it is a very nice language and its kind of a fun one too, i say that if you like the language, it is always easy because u r naturally interested in it and you love to hear it when someone is speaking it, so just immitate and repeat what they are saying, and if you want to speak it fluently the best way is to live in italy for a couple of years, the best way to learn a language is to go to the place where they speak it without a doubt. The italian language has some complicated phrases in the various future and past tence, but if u like it and if you go and live there im sure u will pic it up pretty fast, plus italy is the best country to live in, i love it!
Age of Empires 3 Game Updates. Q: What version of the game do I have? A: To find out what version of Age of Empires III is currently installed, click on the 'Help. AOE3 Patch FR Voila pour les fr vous de compressez et copiez tout dans 'SteamApps common Age Of Empires 3 bin' langue. Free age of empire 3 language pack patch download software at UpdateStar.
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Ok i cant believe i found a way to change the language!!!!!!! La Cimbali M39 Dosatron Manual Muscle here. ! Ok here it is 1.
Download the latest patch in the language you want it to change too(Ex. I have spanish version and i wanted to change it to english. Download english patch) 2. Save the patch to a folder in my documents 3.Extract the files using winrar 4. Edit the patchconfig.xml file and change the language on the second line the the language you have currentyl installed(Ex. For me i would have to change it to spanish) 5. Patch thing This will change all the texts anywhere in the game but it will not change the voices.
Still its better than nothing!!! Author Replies.