Metus Host Booter Bot Exe Remix
********NOTE******** This video is for education purposes only. I am not to be held responsible for anything done using the information provided in this video. ********NOTE******** I'm not going to try to give you that shitty BioZombie or XR 1.4 everyone is trying to peddle (while infected, might I add). XR and Bio are extremely unstable and bots can be unresponsive and is too reliant on the Infected's registry.

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FOR SPREADING: I recommend you look around on the internet, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting someone to spread for you for a good price. FOR CRYPTING/BINDING: Message me on AIM, GoDxBraNdoN I'll do it for free Clean Bot: AIO Booter: Metus 2.1.exe To get rid of the bot using Security Task Manager, just look for the M icon, near the top in terms of threat level, and choose remove.