M33 Installation Package Activate

Applies to: Office 2013 Topic Last Modified: 2016-12-16 Summary: Provides information about how to configure a silent installation of the Windows Installer-based (MSI) version of Office 2013. Audience: IT Professionals You can configure a silent installation (unattended installation) of the MSI-based version of Office 2013 by using the Config.xml file or the Office Customization Tool (OCT). The Config.xml file is used to configure installation tasks and is used only when you run Setup. It is not installed or cached on users' computers.
You can edit the Config.xml file to customize an installation. A silent installation of an Office 2013 product requires no user interaction. You can modify the Config.xml file manually for the product that you are installing and specify options for Display element attributes so that the installation occurs silently and does not prompt users to enter information or wait for user input. The Display element specifies the level of user interface that Setup displays to users. By default, the Config.xml file that is stored in the core product folder, core_product_folder_name.WW, directs Setup to install that product. Canon P100 Dhii Manual Woodworkers.

For example, the Config.xml file in the ProPlus.WW folder installs Office Professional Plus 2013. You can also use the OCT to set silent installation options. In this article: • • If you are using Key Management Service (KMS) activation to activate Office 2013 (MSI) for an enterprise deployment, a product key entry is not required because all Volume License editions of Office 2013 have a KMS client key pre-installed. KMS is one of the methods that are provided by Office Activation Technologies for activating products that are licensed under Microsoft Volume Licensing programs. Roland Software Package. Dsa Wege Des Schwartz Pdf Surgery there. When you install a Volume License edition of Office 2013, Office seeks a KMS host to activate against.