E Z Lock Ez100 Manual Treadmill
E Z Lock Ez100 Manual Lawn. Simplicity E-Z Lock Serger, EZ100, with owner's manual. 8 manual child lock,manual citroen 2cv. MPMD Spares Catalogue. This is the manual for the EZ-Lock EZ 100 Serger.
My hubby and I went to a yard sale today and saw a serger for sale. It is an Ez Lock and has EZ100 on the machine. It worked, or at least it sewed a chain and was still threaded with a lot of thread on the spools. I didn't have any material to try it with, but did make a chain with it. It is in a soft zippered plastic case with carrying handles and has the instruction book with it, and is old enough that the plastic on the machine is turning yellow. Contemporary Intellectual Assessment Pdf Merge. I got it for $30.00. Murloc Rpg 2 Swf Download Torrent.
Is this a good deal? Or did I get taken. I know nothing about the sergers at all, except how the stitching looks when sewn. Next question! Will I use it a lot? What will I use it for????
Thanks for any and all help! Well, I've heard that the hardest thing to do with a serger is to thread it, and it was threaded and does sew. I looked in the book that came with it, and it also told to cut the threads and then tie on the new ones. I have 3 grand daughters, 4 and twins 2, and plan to make them a lot of doll clothes and thought this would be a good way to finish the seams on them. I also have made the oldest one a doll quilt that they all play with and can see using the serger as a good way to make some for the others that would hold up. Thanks, I'll google the model and see what I can find on it. Well, I googled it and only found where I can get a manual for it, which I don't need, and an old post from someone in 2004 asking about it too.
I don't know if she got any responses about it there either. She was looking for the manual, and at least I have that with mine. I dont' think I'd have bought it without one. Any one have one of these, probably ancient machines?
Oh yes, it'd be great for finishing the play dress up clothes. I hadn't thought of that. Anything that I didn't want to take time to hem up for play things would be great. American Headway Workbook 3 more.